My Lovely Host Family- Jessie
While I was in Beijing on my exchange journey, I had the opportunity to live with a local Beijing family. I was most excited about this aspect of the trip. I had yearned to experience living in a Chinese home my whole life. I mean, when does a Chinese adoptee have the chance to live a typical Chinese lifestyle? I have to admit that I was a little nervous going and living with a host family, what if I was stuck with a tiger mom? But the minute I walked into their humble apartment , I felt as if I was an honorary member of the family. I have never felt more welcomed into someone's home. My host mom kept saying " 我的两个女儿(Wǒ de liǎng gè nǚ'ér)", my two daughters and would give both of us a warm embrace. After the twelve day trip I now consider my host family as a second family. Their hospitality and kindness will stick with me for years to come. I was truly touched by their love and warm welcome during my stay with them in Beijing.
- Jessie
Mom, Shi Yue, Dad |
Shi Yue's Mom |
Mom, Me, Dad
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